blog, events and news
How long does it take to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus certification in 2023?
This is hands down the most frequently asked question regarding Cyber Essentials (CE) and Cyber Essentials Plus (CE Plus) certification proc...
MoreWhat’s the difference between Cyber Essentials & Plus 2023?
As a busy Cyber Essentials (CE) certification body we get this question a lot and there is a lot of misunderstanding or misinterpretation ab...
MoreNCSC funded Cyber Essentials Plus certification for charities & legal aiders
NCSC is funding 3 days worth of paid consultancy to implement Cyber Essentials controls and achieve CE plus certification for small charitie...
MoreA new Windows vulnerability actively exploited using phishing attacks
Early this month Microsoft has published a note on a critical vulnerability that allows attackers to fully gain access to the user device kn...
MoreWindows zero-day vulnerability HiveNightmare aka SeriousSAM
HiveNightmare is one of the Windows zero-day vulnerabilities that is currently exploited in the wild. It is also known as SeriousSAM (CVE-20...
MoreKaseya REvil Ransomware Attack From Our Cybersecurity Specialist Harsh Panchal
Kaseya is one of the largest Managed Service Providers (MSPs) who manages and provides various IT and Cybersecurity services around the worl...
MoreJai Talks Cyber Security on Scotland Tonight
Jai will be in the STV studio talking about the current threats open to individuals and businesses in Scotland
MoreA look back at some recent major cyber breaches from the last few months - TRAVELEX
Cyber criminals demanded £4.6 million ($6 million) in ransom from Travelex after infecting its network with Sodinokibi ransomware,
MoreThird of businesses missing out on Cyber Essentials
More than a third – 38% – of businesses in Scotland feel unprepared to deal with the impact of a cyber attack on their organisation, despite...
MoreTechForce protecting businesses from the riskiest threats
4 out of every 10 UK firms have experienced one or more cyber attacks in the past 12 months. The prevalence of cyber threats coupled with th...
MoreUniversities Targeted by Cyber Attacks During The Pandemic
Last year, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, all businesses and enterprises had to continue their work remotely, where most compani...
In this latest update to the Cyber Essentials Requirements there are no major changes but there are a series of clarifications to the requir...
MoreThe Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021 reveals how the cybersecurity landscape has changed
According to the latest Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report, businesses are devoting more resources to the cyber challenge than ever before. This ...
MoreYour organisation through the eyes of the attacker
Join Jai and KnowBe4's Javvad Malik as they illustrate how an attacker would target your organisation.
MoreRansomware Attacks Using Microsoft Exchange Exploits By Cybersecurity Specialist Harsh Panchal
According to ShadowServer, more than 68,500 servers have been compromised from the recent Microsoft Exchange Cyber Attack.