This is hands down the most frequently asked question regarding Cyber Essentials (CE) and Cyber Essentials Plus (CE Plus) certification process. The answer should be straightforward but it’s not. What we generally say is that it really depends on the client’s security posture and if they have the required security controls in place. If everything is in place then we can assess the Cyber Essentials self-assessment in a day from the submission. If not, it really depends on how quickly you can fix the issues identified. Continue reading below for CE plus.


Step 1: Organisation Size

Step 2: Pick Cyber Essentials Package

  • Cyber Essentials Basic - CEB001

    £300 + VAT


    2 Days for Remediation

    1 Day Turnaround

    £25k Cyber Insurance*

    The package explained

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Guided Cyber Essentials - CEB002

    £500 + VAT

    Everything in CEB001 plus


    Online/Phone Support

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Cyber Essentials Plus - CEP001

    £1500 + VAT

    Everything in CEB002 Plus

    30 Day Remediation

    Systems Audit (remote)

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Guided CE Plus - CEP002

    £2500 + VAT

    Everything in CEP001 plus

    Pre- systems Audit

    Gap Analysis report



    *Insurance details are on IASME website

Then what about Cyber Essentials Plus? How long does it take? Firstly, Cyber Essentials Plus certification involves achieving the Cyber Essentials self-assessment. Read the above paragraph to know how long it takes for CE. Once you achieve the CE we will organize the time for a systems audit/assessment. You can find out more about the CE Plus audit and the process here. If you pass the audit you pass the CE Plus certification. Simple as that. Failing that, it really depends on how quickly you can fix the issues identified. If you fail and come back to us after fixing the issues you will need to pay for the audit again unless you purchase a Guided Cyber Essentials Plus package from us. Ideally, if everything is in place we can get the CE Plus done in less than a week (from beginning to end). Hope that answers your question.

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