How much does Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus cost in 2023?

This is the most frequently asked question about the Cyber Essentials certification. What is the cost for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certification in 2023? Previously there used to be a fixed cost for businesses of all sizes. However, in 2022 NCSC and IASME updated the pricing to suit the company sizes. This is a fixed cost and the certification body cannot charge you more unless you need extra help which is a separate cost. Please note there is defined fixed cost for Cyber Essentials plus certification. Each certification body may charge you differently.

In order to achieve Cyber Essentials plus you will need to have a valid Cyber Essentials self-assessment certificate that is no more than 3months old. Otherwise you will need to achieve CE first then apply for CE plus. TechForce CE plus cost include the CE too. You do not need to pay for the software licences that are used in the certification process. Please see below for the pricing.

Cost for Cyber Essentials basic self-assessment

Micro Business (0-9 employees) - £300

Small Business (10-49 employees) - £400

Medium Business (50-250 employees) - £450

Large Business (250+ employees) - £500

If you are looking for guidance from TechForce to achieve the certification we would charge a fixed additional cost of £200 regardless of the size of the business.

Cost for Cyber Essentials Plus certification

These are the costs defined by TechForce from our past experience of certifying 100s of clients. The cost is fixed and there are no hidden charges.

Certification only costs - These are just for the certification and no guidance from TechForce is provided. These costs include CE self-asessment and you don't need to pay separate for both. If you need guidance please see the optional pre-assessment costs below.

Micro Business (0-9 employees) - £1,500

Small Business (10-49 employees) - £1,700

Medium Business (50-250 employees) - £2,000

Large Business (250+ employees) - £2,300

Optional pre-assessment costs for CE plus

The pre-assessment includes readiness check, pre-assessment, gap analysis and remediation advice. This also includes the guidance (pre-assessment) for CE self-assessment.

Micro Business (0-9 employees) - £1,000

Small Business (10-49 employees) - £1,200

Medium Business (50-250 employees) - £1,300

Large Business (250+ employees) - £1,600


Please get in touch if you need any additional information. Also, download our Cyber Essentials checklist here. If you are an MSP and looking to help your clients with the certification please contact us. We have a special pricing for partners and we have been working with several MSPs across the UK.

If you are a charity or non-profit enterprise or education institution then we offer a discounted price.


Step 1: Organisation Size

Step 2: Pick Cyber Essentials Package

  • Cyber Essentials Basic - CEB001

    £300 + VAT


    2 Days for Remediation

    1 Day Turnaround

    £25k Cyber Insurance*

    The package explained

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Guided Cyber Essentials - CEB002

    £500 + VAT

    Everything in CEB001 plus


    Online/Phone Support

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Cyber Essentials Plus - CEP001

    £1500 + VAT

    Everything in CEB002 Plus

    30 Day Remediation

    Systems Audit (remote)

    *Insurance details are on IASME website

  • Guided CE Plus - CEP002

    £2500 + VAT

    Everything in CEP001 plus

    Pre- systems Audit

    Gap Analysis report



    *Insurance details are on IASME website

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