blog, events and news
Quality Policy
It is the policy of The TechForce to provide a service to our clients that is to a high professional standard and the Company is committed t...
TechForce provides next-gen Anti-Virus, Phishing Simulators and Security Awareness Training for medium-to-large companies and managed IT ser...
MoreEmail Phishing & Security Awareness Training
Regardless of the security your measures Humans are the weakest link in your security and we got it covered.
MoreVulnerability Management
Think your systems are secure? Let us check and find any problems before the hackers do!
MoreCyber Essentials Certification
Cyber Essentials helps you to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to Cyber Security.
MoreCyber Essentials Basic - CEB001
Cyber Essentials Basic
MoreCyber Maturity Assessments
Regardless of the security your measures Humans are the weakest link in your security and we got it covered.
MoreManaged Security Services
Defending your digital presence. We provide managed security services that protects your data.
MorePartner Portal
Regardless of the security your measures Humans are the weakest link in your security and we got it covered.
MorePenetration Testing
Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking, is the practice of testing an organisation's security defences by stimulating a cyber at...
MoreVirtual CISO
As the cybersecurity industry is facing serious skills shortage Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) role is challenging to fill. In mo...
MoreGuided Cyber Essentials - CEB002
Buy your Cyber Essentials extra certification here. It's an self assessment certification and includes the pre-assessment and remote help.
MoreCyber Essentials Plus - CEP001
Buy your Cyber Essentials Plus certification here. It includes the self-assessment questionnaire as well as the systems assessment.
MoreGuided CE Plus - CEP002
MoreCyber Essentials packages
Cyber Essentials scheme was introduced by the UK government to protect businesses from the most common Cyber Attacks. Buy your certification...