blog, events and news
In conversation with Ray Bugg
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MoreIn conversation with Harry McLaren, Adarma
Harry McLaren pursued a degree in Computer Studies, before continuing his studies in Computer Security at Napier University. He currently wo...
MoreIn conversation with Bill Buchanan
Talking to Bill Buchanan about the Cybersecurity, Scotland and Educational institutions role in filling the gap.
MoreRisks of staying with Windows 7
Windows 7 effectively expired for everyone in January 2020, so now that it’s February are you still running Windows 7?
MoreThe Essential Cyber Hygiene for your business
We hear about the Travelex, British Airways, Maersk and Equifax data breaches. Over 90% of these incidents can be prevented by following bas...
MoreHow to implement a SIEM
When establishing that a security information and event management (SIEM) system is appropriate for your business, there are often two quest...
MoreIn conversation with Chelsea Jarvie, CJ Cyber
Grduated from Ethical Hacking degree Chelsea Jarvie worked for Scottish Government, Prudential and a few other companies. She now runs her o...
MoreWhy do you need a SIEM?
A SIEM is a security information event manager, which very simply means its software that manages events regarding information security, sim...
MoreDeadline for the Cyber Essentials Voucher
Any Scottish registered SME can get up to £1,000 voucher towards their Cyber Essentials certification. It is available for first-time applic...
MoreNew Year cyber security recommendations
In this blog post we give you some new year cyber security recommendations to protect your accounts and identity
MoreSolving the problem of the cyber security skills gap
This year, we have a lot to celebrate when it comes to our commitment to solving the problem of the cyber security skills gap
MoreHow to uncover network vulnerabilities
If you are new in IT and want to know where to start finding vulnerabilities on the network you're managing this blog post might be for you.
MoreProtecting your identity online
Is it possible to really protect your identity online? How do “you” protect your identity online and how do others that have your identifica...
MoreWhat is a VPN and why do you need one?
We tell you in this post why it is useful to have a VPN connection
MoreQuick tips to improve your board’s cybersecurity
For some CISOs, it is a challenge to communicate your priorities to the board. We provide you here with some quick tips to ensure your board...